At CallApp, our number one goal is to provide our users with the ultimate calling experience, which is why we never stop releasing new and improved features. We’ve got you covered from more ‘functional’ features such as Caller ID, Call Blocker, and Call Recording to more aesthetic features such as customized themes and phonebook organizing techniques.
If you think about it, the majority of our time, both personal and business, is spent contacting people via our mobile phones, so creating a pleasant calling experience should surely be a top priority for us all! And our new and exciting feature was created with this exact purpose in mind: how to turn a boring and sometimes burdening part of our day into a positive and personal experience.
Introducing: Personalized Video Ringtones
Personalized Video Ringtones are one of CallApp’s latest and also greatest additions to the app. This exciting feature allows our users the customized experience of having videos play on their incoming call screen background (either with their own videos or with pre-made videos)!
How It Works:
CallApp not only presents our users with countless adorable and aesthetic videos to choose from that will play on the background of your screen every single time a call comes your way, from the relaxing video of waves crashing on the shore and adorable puppies playing around to feeling like you are in an aquarium, but the app also now allows you to upload your very own videos! Yes, you heard that right! You can actually choose any video of your choice and can upload it as the call screen for any caller. You can even set a different video/call screen for different contacts, making for a unique and exciting way to identify calls while you relive your favorite memories!

The feature also allows you to customize your call buttons! Our users are able to choose the layout of their call buttons, the direction in which they slide, as well as the images found on them, allowing you to customize every aspect of your incoming call screen!

Why It’s Worth It:
Of course, CallApp still provides the option of the normal call screen, but for just $1, you have the ability to transform the most used feature of your phone- receiving phone calls, into the ultimate personal and customized experience.
For the person who suffers from anxiety when receiving stressful calls- the waves could not be more calming. For the person who needs some cheering up- what is better than a video of puppies. For those who need to be energized- the trippy videos will wake you up! And for the one who is craving travel- transport yourself to foreign lands with the Asian Scenery landscape video. For those that are missing their family and friends right now? They can just upload a video of a moment they shared together.

At CallApp, we truly believe in giving our users the ability to personalize every aspect of their calling experience, as well as the privilege of looking forward to having their phone ring!